Almost every student athlete that living out their dream of playing college football had to be recruited. They were either recruited by a college or they “self-recruited”.

Almost every student athlete that living out their dream of playing college football had to be recruited. They were either recruited by a college or they “self-recruited”. What is “self-recruiting”? First an important statistic. Only 2% of college athletes on a scholarship were actively recruited by the school they play sports for. Therefore, the other 98% of college athletes had to recruit themselves by sending letters, videos, trying out or getting a third party pitch them to a college coach. As coaches get overwhelmed by the number of high school athletes seeking a college scholarship they demand a simplified and sophisticated solution to finding the right athletes for their programs. That’s where Recruit Reels comes in. We provide EXACTLY what coaches need.. concise, professional highlight videos displaying not just slow-motion footage of the athlete in game-time action, but interviews, work outs and even testimonials from their coaches. This professionally produced video product provides a coach, scout or recruiter the info they need to make a decision. On our next blog we will discuss the cost of college and how high school student athletes and their parents can afford college tuition. Get Reel. Get Recruited.

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