Are Video Interviews a Good Thing?

We believe a video interview with a prospect is very helpful to coaches, scouts and recruiters. We base our belief on what we’ve been told by numerous coaches over the years about their desire to create a sports program with lots of graduated former players that will ultimately become ambassadors for their program. In order to make better decisions about which athletes to recruit, they like to see how an athlete communicates and presents themselves. A few relevant questions such as “when did you start playing football?”, “what your greatest memory about your sport?”, “who has been your sport hero or mentor that made you a better player and person?” and “why do you want to play at the next level?” give a coach insight into a players inner motivations. Some players get intimidated by the thought of a video interview, but they are always done after a game or workout and we always send the questions ahead of time so that the player can think about their answers.

Interviews are only offered through our Gold Highlight Video and Gold Skills Video packages, but they are worth their weight in gold to the family that sees their young athlete receive a partial or full scholarship because a coach chose them over another athlete that didn’t present a video interview. Contact us to learn more about the importance of video interviews in the recruiting process.

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