Why Student-Athletes Need to Get Rest As a student athlete is very hard to get all the rest that is required for your body. A student athlete must be a student and go to classes, practice in the afternoon, and study and do homework at night all while trying to live...
In Season Training for Athletes Learning how to train during season for an athlete is extremely important. A lot of athletes will train hard during the offseason and then quit training during the season causing them to lose muscle and size. It is important that...
Knowing the Requirements to Get Accepted into Universities It is extremely important that you know what you need to get accepted into each school you are interested in. Hopefully you know all of this information before you go on your campus visit. If not, then that...
Finding a School That is the Best Fit for You Deciding on which University to spend the next four years of your life is a hard decision. It is even a harder decision when you have to make that decision from an athletics standpoint. It is very important that when you...
Are Video Interviews a Good Thing? We believe a video interview with a prospect is very helpful to coaches, scouts and recruiters. We base our belief on what we’ve been told by numerous coaches over the years about their desire to create a sports program with...